Introduction to Game Design – GAME 1101


This course introduces design documents and game assets used in the production process. The course focuses upon the creation and development of a design document and level designs in prototype format. Core concepts in game design are covered, including game world design, level design, level balancing, and game character development.

1st year student

Learning Objectives:

  • learn and explore the core concepts of design.

  • review and design documents and game assets used in the production process.

  • understand the design, creation and development of a game in a paper Prototype format.

  • learn to identify and analyze key concepts in game design and development.

Recommended Text:
Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development: From Concept to Playable Game with Unity and C#. 2014. Jeremy Gibson
Game Development Essentials: An Introduction. 2011. Jeannie Novak
